Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Evoque Fashion Award

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Evoque Fashion Award: Die Arbeiten der ersten Bewerber & Topshop-Gutschein zu gewinnen

In der vergangenen Woche ging die frohe Kunde vom Evoque Fashion Award, der von Range Rover, Garmz und Qvest ins Leben gerufen wurde, durch die deutsche Blogosphäre. Die Gewinner des Collection- und des Sketch-Contests dürfen sich über eine ordentlich Starthilfe ins Modebusiness freuen. Details findet ihr in meinem Post von letzter Woche.
Nun sind auch schon die ersten Entwürfe bei Garmz online. Besonders angetan haben es mir die Kleider von Marina Popska. "Light" nennt die Bulgarin aus Sofia ihre Kollektion mit der sie sich für den Evoque Fashion Award bewirbt. Kräftige Farben zu Nude-Tönen, abstrakte Muster und leichte Strickmode passen bestens zu meiner momentanen Frühlingsstimmung.
Ich würde mich aber auch freuen, wenn meine talentierten Leser am Wettbewerb mitmachen. Wenn ihr eine außergewöhnliche Skizze auf Lager habt oder vielleicht sogar eine eigene Kollektion, dann bewerbt euch jetzt! So eine tolle Chance auf die Produktion der eigenen Entwürfe gibt es nicht oft.
Für alle anderen:
 Als Bonus für die Nicht-Designer gibt es einen Topshop-Gutschein für die Damen bzw. einen Topman-Gutschein für die Herren im Wert von 300 € zu gewinnen, der unter den Kommentaren der an der Aktion teilnehmenden Blogs verlost wird. Um eine Chance auf diesen tollen Gewinn zu haben, müsst ihr einfach auf abstimmen und euren Lieblingsdesigner des Wettbewerbs auf Facebook teilen. Wenn ihr dann noch Facebook-Fan von Evoque Style geworden seid, hinterlasst ihr einfach unter diesem Beitrag ein Kommentar inklusive gültiger Email-Adresse. Viel Glück an alle Bewerber für den Evoque Fashion Award und an die Teilnehmer des Gewinnspiels!

* Dies ist ein gesponserter Post.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Moon and Stars

photography Cera Hensley 
set design assist - styling Marina Popska 
digital retouching Justin Allen 
photo assist Carmen Campos 
hair styling Glenn Svetich 
makeup artist Gabby Lovazzano
talent Brittany Ward

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Emerging Fashion Designers2 by Sally Congdon-Martin

Media Contact:  Stacey McNutt
Marketing and Public Relations
Schiffer Publishing Ltd, Atglen PA

For Immediate Release
“Emerging Fashion Designers 2”

Local designer (INSERT INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENT AND SCHOOL) chosen as one of sixty cutting edge emerging fashion designer's, from 12 premier fashion design schools in the United States to appear in Sally Congdon-Martin's new release of Emergin Fashion Designers 2. 

                Atglen P.A. — (insert your information here) has been selected to display HIS/HER talents in this eye-catching second edition of Emerging Fashion Designers 2, which picks up where the first left off, spotlighting garments and illustrations for evening wear, menswear, children’s wear, sportswear, and more. Included is a collection of bright and original designs by 60 recent graduates from 12 premier fashion design programs in the United States. The wide range of work in this anthology is augmented with a brief dossier on each young designer, including inspiration and materials. These dossiers provide deeper insight into the choices these up and coming designers are making when they create their trendsetting garments. This easy to navigate resource has garments organized alphabetically by designer and indexed graphically by school. It is an essential reference to the newest talent and trends in fashion. For anyone fascinated with the fashion industry and fashion trends, this book-the second in a growing series-is required reading!
                Sally Congdon-Martin cut her teeth as a fashion writer while living in Shanghai, China, writing for local magazines about the fashion and retail scene.  She returned to the States and attended graduate school at Drexel University, earning her Master of Science in Fashion Design.  In that time, in addition to studying design intensely, she had enriching experiences such as assisting in the Drexel Historic Costume Collection, studying couture techniques in Paris, working the obligatory but none-the-less wonderful internships, and showing her work in the International Arts of Fashion competition.  In addition to her endeavors as a writer and designer, Sally works as a Pattern-maker/Technical Designer at a company outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is her second book on fashion designers.  As with her first book, she hopes this book will again bring recognition and opportunity to the students and appreciation for the schools that have shaped them. Ms. Congdon-Martin states, "The work in this book belongs to the designers, and I thank them for allowing it to be in print."
Ms. Congdon-Martin’s book sells for $39.99 and can be purchased through the publisher at or your local bookseller, as well as, numerous online retailers.
Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. is based in Atglen, PA on the Schiffer Book Farm.  The company is known for publishing high quality Antique, Arts, Architecture, Lifestyle, and Military History books, as well as a successful line of children and ghost books.    Schiffer Publishing is always looking for people to write books on new and related subjects. If you have an idea for a book please contact them at 


Discard to Divine - St. Vincent de Paul Society

Fashion design instructor Rob Curry, left, talks with students Kyoung Jo, Marina Popska and Sawanya Jomthepmala at the annual "Discard to Divine" fashion show and auction. Chronicle photo by Kim Komenich

Friday, October 14, 2011

Arkiskina Live Journal

Автор работы Марина Попска. Моя коллега старшего курсаl.Уже известный художник,дизайнер и не только.
Вообще она молодец.Восхищаюсь ею

Arkiskina Live Journal

Fashion Trends Cout

Designer Labels

LOOKK magazine

The City

Spring-Summer women collection inspired by the Business part of San Francisco City

LOOKK magazine

This is our very first interview with a designer who’s taking part in our EVOQUE Fashion Award!
Marina Popska’s knitwear collection LIGHT is as philosophical as technically ambitious. The Bulgarian designer describes in our interview her close relationship to fashion since her childhood and her inspirations.

Oceanside Gallery

Marina Popska
Fashion Illustration for Light #1
— with Marina Popska.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Prints at